Superheroes often come in colorful suits and masks, and our personal heroes are the same. Here at New Wave Home Care, our caregivers are our personal heroes, as they make sure to provide only the best in care services for you and your family. Unfortunately, they’re not invincible, and they’re not immune to COVID-19. To work this out, we help make our caregivers more equipped to deal with the problems that can arise with the Coronavirus pandemic so they can continue to provide the best services for you.
New Wave Home Care knows that protecting our caregivers can help them perform their jobs much more efficiently. And in today’s troubling times, our caregivers know that New Wave Home Care is here for them for any kind of support they need. They’re our heroes, and we’re their sidekicks!
Helping our personal heroes
Connecting with our awesome team of caregivers allows us to stay up to date with the things they experience in the households they manage. Our caregivers serve as our point of contact with our clients, and they’re in the best position to tell us at New Wave Home Care about the various issues, setbacks, and even improvements they see in their immediate area.
We use the information they provide to make more informed decisions for the welfare of both our clients and our team of caregivers. Thanks to our caregivers- we’re able to prepare and plan ahead so we can handle different scenarios as the whole world deals with the Coronavirus pandemic. Here are mechanisms in place to help our caregivers:
- We trained our caregivers on relevant healthcare procedures. Thanks to our proactive approach to the Coronavirus pandemic, we had the opportunity to train our caregivers in advance on how to deal with problems regarding COVID-19. We’ve briefed them on do’s and don’ts in client households – from disinfecting themselves, to proper social distancing. This training also included basic and advanced healthcare procedures to make sure our caregivers can fulfill their duties in the best way possible.
- We made appropriate changes to the logistics of our caregivers. We adjusted the schedules of our caregivers to make sure that a caregiver is always available to take care of our client at any time of the day. Caregivers who experience overlap have special instructions as to how to disinfect themselves before, during, and after their shifts.
- We provided stress tests to our caregivers. We want our caregivers to stay calm and collected regardless of what happens during the COVID-19 outbreak. Part of our training to help them included conducting stress tests to gauge their awareness of various scenarios. Our stress tests allowed caregivers to be aware of scenarios that can happen to them in case of emergencies, and for them to be aware of the right calls to make during the situation. You can be rest assured that our caregivers can help you and your family more informed decisions should the need arise.
- We help caregivers avoid going out as much as possible. We’ve tasked caregivers with informing our admin team any concerns regarding their supplies. These include medication and groceries caregivers and their clients may need. Our team can then arrange for these groceries to be delivered to the clients’ houses. Alternatively, we also instructed our caregivers to do grocery shopping online. This plan removes the need to go outside, and removes the risk of contracting the Coronavirus.
- We went ahead and ordered protective gear our caregivers need. We’ve tasked our admin team to order protective gear for our caregivers a few weeks before the lockdowns were imposed. This allowed us to get adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPEs) that include gloves, masks, and suits that our caregivers can wear. This not only protects our caregivers, but also protects our clients. We regularly place orders for these PPEs to ensure our caregivers stay protected to do their duties.
Full support from the backend
Aside from our caregivers, we have our amazing admin team to help ensure New Wave Home Care can fulfill all of our plans and goals. Thanks to their training and understanding of our services and client care, they’re able to continue coordinating the many efforts of our caregivers and clients to make sure our service won’t get interrupted even with the Coronavirus pandemic.
Our admin team is responsible for maintaining the logistical side of our caregiving service, and it’s thanks to them that we’re able to provide the support our caregivers and clients need. Here are other things our admin team does to help you, your families, and our caregivers deal with the Coronavirus pandemic:
- We have our admin team working from home. We decided that our office and admin staff will be working from home. This ensures they are safe with their families, and that they can stay focused with their roles in their respective households.
- We restructured the arrangements of the admin team. In order to fully support our team of caregivers, we instructed the admin team to handle a set of clients. They are also under strict instructions not to go inside the client’s homes to avoid the risk of clients and team members contracting the coronavirus.
- We stay in touch with our caregivers. Our admin team ensures caregivers assigned to clients remain updated and in the loop of all the things related to COVID-19 within the health industry. These range from prevention tips, protection guidelines, and other relevant healthcare instructions that can further improve our service to your family.
- We make sure caregivers are accounted for. We understand how local government policies can be strict in some areas. And sometimes our caregivers have to go outside to do some extremely important errands, and they may be under scrutiny for their service. To avoid conflicts with local authorities, we’ve made letters of authorization that indicate our caregivers’ affiliation with New Wave, with the contact numbers of our top management as reference.
- Daily Welfare Checks to support our caregivers. We know that knowledge is power, and it’s the responsibility of the admin team to call your homes multiple times each day. This allows us to get a situation check on your household, and for you to let us know of any concerns you may have. The knowledge you provide us in our Welfare Checks allows us to give you the necessary supplies you need, and the necessary care you might require throughout the Coronavirus pandemic.
- We do divide and conquer. Thanks to our admin team arrangements, our New Wave team can plan ahead and ensure we can provide support across all our clients and caregivers. Our top-down approach to logistics gives room for even our CEO and top management to make the right calls to provide support in all areas within New Wave.
Thanks to these plans, we can provide our caregivers the kind of support and assistance they need. A lot of our caregivers have expressed their appreciation for our efforts – and we want to continue letting them know that we’re here if they’re in need of assistance in any way.
We’re here to help you
We understand that our situation with the Coronavirus pandemic can be worrisome, but this is something we can get through together. As we wait for COVID-19 to subside, we recommend you take note of items in our Preparedness Questionnaire and to follow official guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control. This helps us make sure we remain protected against harmful elements as much as possible.
If you want to know more about our New Wave Home Care team’s perspective on the situation, please read this statement. And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach us with our website chatbot, virtual assistant, or through this form.